clean industry - clean invironment for the sake of our world! we represent all of this with our name!
Industry Cleaning Company GmbH was established in Pliening, a conveniently located town near Munich in February 2005 by Wolfgang Sogorski who for the past 15 years had been working in a managerial position in a renowned company in the industrial and boiler cleaning industry. The proximity to its customers ensured a quick growth of the new company with Industry Cleaning Company GmbH soon becoming well known as a highly professional and reliable partner.
The Industry Cleaning Company works closely together with its customers while providing an extensive range of services in the area of steam generators in power stations, thermal recycling and other industrial applications.
Along with the familiar blast and airless equipment, the technology we use includes high-performance special blasting equipment which is complemented by the use of our blasting media recycling equipment along with the accompanying mobile blasting media vacuum equipment
The cleaning programme of the Industry Cleaning Company GmbH now also includes dry ice blasting - a promising new cleaning method. Our innovative blasting machines are also setting new standards of quality and efficiency in surface cleaning in the field of dry ice blasting.
16. March 2021
Der TÜV Saarland bescheinigte der ICC Industry Cleaning Company GmbH mit Sitz in Kirchheim bei München am 29.07.2018 die erfolgreiche Zertifizierung des SCC** mit Zertifikat-Register Nr.: DE15/8199...