Along with the familiar blast and airless equipment, the technology we use includes high-performance special blasting equipment which is complemented by the use of our blasting media recycling equipment along with the accompanying mobile blasting media vacuum equipment (performance per plant 8,500 m³/h, 9,700 mm WS) which allows effective work in a circulatory process. The resulting ambient dust can be removed by us with sufficiently dimensioned vacuum dust equipment for a volume flow of up to 72,000 m³, 500 mm WS (daPa) volume compression, dust filtration < 5 mg/m. For chemical wet cleaning purposes sufficiently dimensioned hot water trailer equipment (up to 500 bar) as well as water high-pressure blasting equipment (up to 2500 bar) along with acid-proof special sprinkling equipment are available.
The ICC Industry Cleaning Company GmbH purchases its blasting media, corrosion protection media, insulation material and chemical cleaning agents and precipitants for all its applications from all over Europe. Our reliable maintenance and supply service along with our consistently high quality all go towards preventing any production downtimes among our customers. That is why we only use select products which are controlled by our suppliers on an ongoing basis. Upon request we will be pleased to provide you with further information including EU safety data sheets and comprehensive descriptions of our applied supply range.